Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Climate Change On The World - 816 Words

Climate change is one of the most crucial issues in the twentieth century. There is much evidence to show fluctuations in weather occurring on the earth. Scientists found that the period of global warming is occurring more frequently than the previous time and rapidly increasing temperature globally. The statistic records on the nineteenth century, calculated that the surface of earth throughout the 100 years ago that had average increase of approximately 0.8C. However, during the period thirteen years ago, the average temperature increase around 0.6C and continually warming with an upward trend in the shortest period. These events cause drastic changes which affect human life such as extreme weather (hotter and colder), food and fresh water shortages and higher levels of the ocean. It is important for people to being concern what happens now. This essay will focus on the main cause of anthropogenic changing climate, in order to evaluate and link the outcome of activity. Human activity contributed greenhouse gases especially four principal gases: carbon dioxide (Co2), Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and the halocarbons (a group of gases containing fluorine chlorine and bromine) those gases cause the greenhouse effect, by prevented radiation of sun from the earth release to the space. As a result, the temperature rapid increase and continually change the atmosphere, causing the climate changing. TITLE OF DIAGRAM , source , year The extendable size of emissionShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Climate Change On The World856 Words   |  4 Pagessustainable place for future generations? Climate change is happening weather we like it or not, what are we going to do? Mahtma Ghandi once said â€Å" you need to be the change you wish to see in the world†. Climate change is causing unbelievably high levels of carbon dioxide , the global economy is estimated to drop by 23 percent by 2100. Our glaciers are melting at an unbelievable pace, Zacharie Isstrom is melting at a pace of 5 billion tons per year. Climate change has been changing for over 650’000Read MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The World Essay1271 Words   |  6 Pagesare being funded to research the effects of climate change. Why, some may ask. Not only does climate change affect the world around you, it affects you directly. Whether it be through air, land, or sea, the human population is not overlooked by nature. Every single person on this planet is faced with climate change symptoms on a regular basis. The focus of this paper however will be solely on how the climate change is changing weather patterns and natural climates to create more frequent, large tropicalRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The World1609 Words   |  7 PagesWith climate change being upon us, the time to act is now. Evidence of drastic climate changes include the following: record low polar ice caps during the summer of 2012, record drought in California, excessive flooding in the eastern half of Texas and record heat in Ind ia. This is all evidence of what our â€Å"normal† climate will be like in the future. If we don’t act right now, we will live in a world where cities along the coast like Miami, New York and New Orleans will be partially underwater. RecordRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The World Essay1981 Words   |  8 PagesAll that needs to be done for a person to see that climate change is upon the world is to look outside. The seasons that used to be defined by their drastically different weather have started to blend into a year-long battle for hot and cold, along with unusual rainfall during typically dry spells. Climate change is the change in global or regional climate patterns. Global warming is the idea that the world is being heated by a few degrees every year brought on by an increase in carbon dioxide levelsRead MoreClimate Change And Its Effects On The World1761 Words   |  8 PagesClimate change is one of the defining environmental concerns facing our glo be today. Certain scientific reports have shown that industrialization and deforestation spurted climatic change and triggered the melting of ice glaciers around the Arctic Ocean at a rapid rate. In 2012, the area of ice covering the Arctic Ocean was estimated to be diminished by half; the condition that was not experienced over the last 30 years. Rise in the sea levels by 15-20 centimeters, on average, are also been recordedRead MoreClimate Change And Its Effects On The World Today1001 Words   |  5 PagesIt is known climate change is occurring because of multiple factors, including greenhouse gases, human activity, and some scientists say solar irradiance. What most people do not know or simply have not thought of is how far back in history was climate change a problem or if it was an issue for early civilizations. It is apparent that early civilizations weakened for several reasons, but one reason in particular is affecting the world today. One particular civilization that is p opular for their agricultureRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Climate Change On The World1118 Words   |  5 PagesThe effects of global climate change are everywhere from major cities to the under populated arctics. Most people just call it global warming, but it is not. By calling it global warming people are assuming that everywhere in the world, temperatures are rising and that it will be hotter all year long, but this is not the case. This is why the scientific community calls it global climate change, because it can be hotter in the Summer time and colder in the Winter time. Global climate change occursRead MoreClimate Change And Its Effects On The World Of The Planet1669 Words   |  7 PagesIt is widely accepted that climate change could carry out severe problems through the environmental life of the planet. Feature of climate change is the disastrous results that it caused by the people. Oil is might be the most catastrophic material of the underwater life. Oil spills are em issions of petroleum on the surface of an extensive body of water. The aim of this essay is to discuss the main law that linked to this problem and also some legal aspects of three famous cases and their resultsRead MoreGlobal Climate Change Causes And Effects On The Environment And The World s Oceans916 Words   |  4 Pagesabout global climate change? Do you think we create this problem in the twentieth-first century to damage our planet. This problem started at the beginning of civilization and became worse during the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century. Older generations generated more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation. More carbon dioxide had a negative impact on the ecosystems of the planet. And the scientific definition of global climate representsRead More Essay on Global Warming: The Effects of Climate Change1410 Words   |  6 PagesClimate change is a long-term alteration in the statistical distribution of weather pattern over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. The world is currently experiencing drastic change in temperature. This change can be felt in the tropical climate areas where the weather is getting hotter and hotter every day. The change in global temperatures and precipitation over time is due to natural variability or to human activity. It is also caused by accumulation of greenhouse effects (Arrhenius

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